
URTA Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Training announced for 2021


URTA Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Training announced for 2021

URTA is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2021 Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Training. The awards recognize outstanding work of undergraduate instructors, coaches, mentors, as well as institutions, for excellence in the training and preparation of undergraduate theatre artists.

This year’s award recipients are:

Acting – Assistant Professor Amelia McClain, University of Evansville
Costume Design & Technology – Professor Alessia Carpoca, University of Montana
Lighting Design & Technology – Professor Miguel Vando, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
Projection/Media Design – Associate Professor Jessica Mueller, Belmont University
Properties Design – Assistant Professor Matthew Georgeson, Frostburg State University
Scenic Design & Technology – Professor Jason Foreman, Oklahoma City University
Sound Design & Technology – Professor Hideaki Tsutsui, University of Texas, El Paso
Technical Direction – Professor Daniel Volonte, Citrus College

Acting – Norfolk State University
Design & Technology – University at Buffalo

URTA acknowledges the important contributions of these instructors and institutions in providing undergraduates with the essential skills needed to prepare for advanced theatre training, and ultimately to take their place in the profession. The two institutions, Norfolk State University and University at Buffalo, will receive Candidate Awards, providing free registration for the URTAs to a student of their choice.

Awardees will be honored at a reception during the URTAs in January.

“It is humbling to be selected from the vast and amazing collection of America’s undergraduate theatre training programs to receive this honor for excellence in actor training. Heartfelt respect and thanks goes to all of our wonderful Norfolk State University Theatre alumni. It has been their passion, hard work and dedication to developing as artists during their undergraduate training here at Norfolk State University that has continuously propelled them to excellence,” noted Director of NSU Theatre, Professor Anthony Stockard. “I found my way to graduate actor training through URTA and know the benefits that the auditions can provide my students. Every year I look forward to coaching and mentoring my students to prepare them for the next phase of their careers. It is truly some of the most rewarding work I do as a professor.”

“We are honored to receive this recognition and the candidate award from URTA,” said Anne Burnidge, Chair of the Dept. of Theatre and Dance at University at Buffalo, “The continued support and services URTA provides are important for our University training programs.”

More than 1,200 candidates pursuing graduate training in theatre take part in the URTA Auditions & Interviews (“the URTAs”) each year. The event also includes classes, workshops, and panel discussions on theatre topics of interest to both candidates and recruiters. In 2022, the URTAs will return to in-person programming while maintaining online options for candidates.

Posted by URTA  Posted on 29 Nov 
  • Awards. URTAs, Candidate Awards, Excellence Awards
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