- 03April
Design Showcase East Goes Virtual
Design Showcase East, one of the primary events showcasing young theatrical designers graduating from professional training programs, is moving to a digital platform for 2020. The event, which encompasses professional interviews and portfolio reviews for graduating designers, as well as a panel discussion and keynote speaker, will now take place via Zoom on Monday, May 11. Guests can peruse designers’ virtual portfolios online at designshowcaseeast.com.
The event, originally scheduled to take place this spring in New York City, was unable to move forward due to the covid-19 crisis. However, Steve Woods of the Meadows School the Arts at SMU, the coordinator of the annual event, was determined that the show go on. “I will be updating the site daily until Monday, May 11. We will have 45 MFA and BFA/BA portfolios of exciting work from around the country to share,” he reported. Woods also encouraged professionals in the field of theatre and entertainment design to “Reach out to these young men and women. Take a little time out of your day now to email them, set up a phone call or ZOOM interview, and discuss their portfolios.”
Keynote speaker and participants in the professional roundtable will be announced soon. For more information about taking part in the event as a student, professional, or other attendee, go to www.designshowcaseeast.com.
Posted by URTA Posted on 03 Apr
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