- 17September
URTA Honors Individuals, Institutions with Excellence in Training Awards
URTA is pleased to announce the first recipients of the Excellence Awards in Undergraduate Training. The awards recognize outstanding work of undergraduate instructors, coaches, mentors, as well as institutions, for excellence in the training and preparation of undergraduate theatre artists.
The award recipients include:
Acting – Associate Professor Jacqueline Duprey, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
Costume Design & Technology – Professor Chrisi Karvonides, UCLA
Lighting Design & Technology – Professor Stanley Kaye, University of Florida
Projection/Media Design – Associate Professor Price Johnston, Colorado State University
Props Design – Assistant Professor Dyan Burlingame, University at Buffalo
Scenic Design & Technology – Professor Myung Hee Cho, UCLA
Sound Design & Technology – Assistant Professor Brian Redfern, California State University, Chico
Technical Direction – Associate Professor Ed Baker, Wichita State UniversityInstitutions
Acting – Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
Design & Technology – UCLAURTA acknowledges the important contributions of these instructors and institutions in providing undergraduates with the essential skills needed to prepare for advanced theatre training, and ultimately to take their place in the profession. Two institutions, UCLA and Universidad de Puerto Rico, will receive Candidate Awards, providing free registration for the URTAs to a student of their choice.
Awardees will be honored at a reception during the URTA Auditions & Interviews in Chicago, at the Palmer House Hilton on January 24th.
More than 1,200 candidates pursuing graduate training in theatre take part in the URTA Auditions & Interviews (“the URTAs”) each year. The event also includes classes, workshops, and panel discussions on theatre topics of interest to both candidates and recruiters.
Posted by URTA Posted on 17 Sep
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