- 26February
2018 URTA Board Elections
URTA is pleased to announce the election of several new members to our national board.
Holly Poe Durbin of the University of California, Irvine has been elected the new President of URTA, after having completed two terms as Vice-President. Robert Ramirez of the University of Texas at Austin has been elected as the new Vice-President (Mr. Ramirez had previously served a term on the national board).
Regina Garcia of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, who had been serving a partial term on the board of directors, has been elected to a full-term beginning in May. Deanna Fitzgerald of the University of Arizona has also been elected to a full term. This will be her first service on the URTA board.
URTA’s outgoing President, Brant Pope, will continue to serve on the board in the office of “Immediate Past President”. Cal MacLean of the University of Tennessee now leaves that position after many years of valued service to URTA.
URTA thanks all of our officers and board members, as well as their sponsoring universities, for their continued service and welcomes the new faces with much excitement.
Posted by URTA Posted on 26 Feb
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