- 27November
Iowa Summer Rep is now Summer Partnership in the Arts
Summer play production at The University of Iowa began its long history in 1920 as part of Edward C. Mabie’s pioneering efforts to mold the UI theatre department into one of the finest in the country.
Then, in 2013 a flood devastated the University’s theatre department and kept the Rep dark for three years. This past season, Summer Rep returned with a vibrant production of The Importance of Being Earnest.
This summer represented not only the return of UI summer production, but also served as a transition to a new model. Beginning in 2018, the department is initiating a new program called Summer Partnership in the Arts.
Summer Partnership in the Arts will aim to bring outstanding professional guest artists to Iowa to develop new work with students and faculty, every June. This developmental work will be presented as either a small-scale production or a showing of work in process. The project might follow a traditional new play format and process, or engage in a highly experimental collaborative model.
The program will be led by UI faculty member Byron Winn, and is expected to include approximately twelve students each summer, including actors, directors, designers, stage managers, and possibly writers; All of whom will be paid.
“Having supported a Partnership program during the academic year for more than twenty years, we are confident we can bring exceptional artists to develop cutting edge work in Iowa,” said Theatre Arts Chair Alan MacVey.
Summer Partnership in the Arts will maximize student impact and participation during a period when they’re free of their regular class load, providing them opportunities to work with professionals on the development of a new work, and possibly even new ways of making theatre.
All this will serve to strengthen the professional component for students in all disciplines by expanding their engagement with professional artists, including providing projects for students in Arts Entrepreneurship, unique opportunities for designers during their residency, and chance for grad students in dramaturgy to practice their craft.
UI also hopes the Summer Partnership will serve the community by offering an audience the opportunity to participate in the development of a play, unlike the traditional offerings of other area theaters such as the Coralville Center for the Performing Arts, Riverside Theatre, and Englert Theatre.
Posted by URTA Posted on 27 Nov
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