
Picture Yourself @ University of Iowa


Picture Yourself @ University of Iowa

samantha-paradisFeaturing: Samantha Paradis (MFA Stage Management Student)

What is your favorite restaurant on or near campus?

This is a bit of a tough question because Iowa City has so many great restaurants (a whole pedestrian mall and downtown full of them), but I would say my favorite is probably Oasis. It is known for some of the best falafel, hummus, and french fries around, and I can’t disagree. I am there at least once a week. As an added bonus, their falafel wraps and hummus snack packs are sold on campus.

How do you anticipate your third year differing from your first two years?

My third year is challenging me in new ways. In my first year of graduate school, one of the third years who was my stage manager on my first show here, said that every time you think you have reached your limit and you can’t possibly take on any more, you do. And I have found that she was absolutely right. Although I have managed to keep myself busy the past two years, neither of them compare to what is in store for me in my third year. This year I am stage-managing two of our mainstage productions, teaching Stage Management 1–a standalone class, which means I am the primary instructor–working on my thesis, and maintaining my normal class load. It’s a heavy workload, but I love it! It’s also exciting to think about what may come next. The future is always on my mind and something we discuss from day one with our advisers, but this is the year in which the reality sets in and everything I have learned and worked for the past two years all comes together and guides me towards that next step, whatever it might be. So, in other words, I anticipate that my third year will be a culmination of my graduate school career–the most challenging and most rewarding.samantha-paradis-2

What has been the highlight of your graduate school experience so far?

I have three highlights from my graduate school experience so far. The first is the people I have met here. We have one of the most supportive and thoughtful groups of stage managers. It’s what drew me to this program. And even though we have a revolving door (third years who graduate and incoming first years), the supportive atmosphere is a constant. I have met some of my best friends here. However, we don’t only have great stage managers. Between our faculty and staff, graduate students, and undergraduates, I have joined an incredible network of theatre artists.

My second highlight is the current production I am stage-managing, Rome Sweet Rome, which is a hip-hop musical adaptation of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, written, directed, and composed by the Q Brothers Collective. Working with guest artists on new work is one of the many opportunities the Theatre Department offers. I am beyond grateful for this opportunity to work with guest artists who share such passion and dedication and who truly exemplify the collaborative spirit of theatre. I have loved every minute of this process so far. It has been refreshing and energizing in so many ways.

And finally, my third highlight is teaching Stage Management 1. When applying to grad school I knew I wanted a program that offered teaching opportunities. I love working with students and what I love even more is sharing my passion and what I do with students.samantha-paradis-1

Posted by URTA  Posted on 04 Nov 
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