
Picture Yourself @ University of Nevada-Las Vegas


Picture Yourself @ University of Nevada-Las Vegas

Featuring: Amanda Valdez (MFA Lighting Design Student)

Where is your favorite spot on campus to do work?

My favorite spot would have to be our Theatre Department’s Graduate Office located in the Flora Dungan Humanities (FDH) Building. Our department has generously provided the graduates an intimate office where we are free to use their computers and printing/copying services. Days where I find myself grading, typing research papers, or outlining textbooks, I’ll close the door and concentrate on my work. Yet, if the work load is light, then I’ll leave the door open to converse with some of the faculty members or fellow students. It’s a nice spot to be both social and productive.

What has been your favorite class, so far, and why?

This is a tough question, but if I had to pick one, I would have to say our Theatre History courses that are taught by the fabulous Dr. Lezlie Cross. These classes are informative, strengthen research/presentation skills, and above all, are fun. Dr. Cross is phenomenal at making history exciting.

What does your typical Saturday look like?

Even though it’s a Saturday, I’ll often head to my favorite local coffee shop (Mothership or Sunrise) and grade papers, write, or read. I’ll invite a friend, or just enjoy the buzzing environment around me and feel like I’m killing two birds with one stone. These kinds of days I find to be relaxing.

Posted by URTA  Posted on 28 Oct 
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