
Picture Yourself @ University of California- Los Angeles


Picture Yourself @ University of California- Los Angeles

Featuring: Jayongela Wilder (MFA Directing Student)

Why did you choose to go to UCLA?

As an interdisciplinary professional school, UCLA was the perfect choice to help mold me as a creator, storyteller, and visionary. UCLA is a collaborative community, where theater, film, and television collide. I needed to be in a graduate school where I could perfect all of my skills as a total artist to be able to become more marketable in today’s industry. Then there’s the question after grad school, “What next?” With UCLA partnerships and industry connectivity across the world, I am certain that I will have sustained success as a future developer and emerging director in the industry through the UCLA Theater Internship Program, which provides access to various leaders and organizations in the theater and film industry such as: Fox Studios, HBO Films, BET Network, Warner Bros. Studio, DreamWorks, SKG, Sony Pictures Studio, Center Theater Group, The Geffen Playhouse, Cirque du Soleil, Mark Taper Forum, Royal Shakespeare Company, Universal, Paramount, and Guthrie Theater, among others.

What initially drew you to UCLA’s MFA program?

One name, Jose Luis Valenzuela, award winning artistic director of the Los Angeles Theatre Center. I was intrigued and inspired by his artistic vision of acquiring money to renovate the Los Angeles Theatre Center and receive a 20-year lease from the City of Los Angeles to promote diverse works through the Latino Theater Company to challenge and inspire the community. I was honored to know that if I was accepted into such a world-renowned program, I would have the opportunity to work with a professor–also Head of Directing–who was from the Latin community and making significant contributions in the theater community across the globe. This “sparked a flame of hope” in me, knowing that I could also motivate and invigorate my community as an African American director.

Why directing?

A director sees the bigger picture and initiates action. My undergraduate degree was in musical theater from University of Florida/New World School of the Arts. However, after having the experience of directing over 20 productions, directing gave me the voice to pose challenging questions to my audience. I knew as a female, African American director, I had the power and ability to present untold stories and ignite communities around the world by using theater not only to educate, but as a change agent in society. Directing was my newfound purpose and I knew I had to do it, and was going to do it without reservation, while proudly representing all unheard voices.

What is your favorite production you’ve worked on at UCLA?

My favorite production to work on at UCLA was Below the Surface: a Devised Work. The story was about a young man who learns of the water struggle in California, what caused it, and how it effects all lives. We posed the questions, “What is our connection to water?” “How do we deal with nature?” and “What happens when nature fights back?” This project was a collaborative work which included all first year actors, directors, and designers. We were immersed in this project as researchers, writers, actors, directors, and designers. This play was one quarter of research and theatrical discovery, followed by a second quarter of editing, staging, and performing. The devised process provided a sense of freedom and spontaneity, constantly moving in a number of directions through the collaborative process, redefining what it was to be a director, writer, actor, and innovator. There wasn’t a prescription for building this type of theatrical work. As a cohort, we discovered what it meant to exist as a group of collaborators in the arts. As a director, I ultimately was a part of a unique form of theatre which helped me to think of directing as a three-dimensional art form, considering all elements and how they functioned inside the world that was created.

What are the best parts of UCLA’s campus?

It’s in the center of Los Angeles, one of the most influential, diverse, and increasingly developing cities in the world. The beautiful, five acre, Sculpture Garden is an outdoor installation surrounded by beautiful trees and the perfect grassy, open lawn that is peaceful and pure goodness for the soul after a long day of hard work and studying. Other campus highlights include UCLA’s internationally renowned Film and Television Archive, which houses over 220,000 films. I still have to treat myself to a movie a week from this renowned archive. Not to mention, the Arts Library which houses every play you could think of, including the newest releases. I live in this library! When you are ready for live performances, nothing beats the amazing artists and shows that tour at the theatres right on campus at UCLA’s Royce Hall, Fowler Amphitheater, Freud Playhouse, Bridges Theater, and Geffen Playhouse, to name a few.

The Wooden Center is a recreational center and athletic facility offering everything from free weights to Pilates and yoga to Zumba dance classes. What a great way to get in a workout before your next class! I have longer blocks of time between classes this year so I have no excuse not to be fit and fine! I also enjoy that the Film and Theater Departments are adjacent to each other–almost connected–so we are able to work collaboratively on various projects.

What about food and shopping?

I cannot forget about the food and shopping. With over 50 dining options, who can resist? And if the tasty mocha lattes aren’t enough to fit your fancy on campus, UCLA’s Westwood neighborhood is surrounded by a plethora of restaurants and grocery stores, including Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and Ralph’s (where they make fresh charbroiled hamburgers daily). Not to mention, you can shop for the holidays for friends and family, between classes, with stores such as: American Apparel, Target, Francesca’s, and Urban Outfitters, all within walking distance. UCLA is a beautiful college campus that is what one could only dream a campus could look like. I am blessed to escape and study here! I am proud to be called a Bruin!

Posted by URTA  Posted on 25 Oct 
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