
Picture Yourself @ Indiana University


Picture Yourself @ Indiana University

Featuring: Katie Horwitz (MFA directing student)

What about Indiana University’s MFA Directing program do you feel prepares you most for a future career in theatre?

At IU we are guaranteed to direct a mainstage production for both our second and third years. By the time I graduate I actually will have directed three mainstage productions, two by established playwrights, and one by one of our MFA playwrights. Having the opportunity to work on that scale so many times is truly invaluable. IU also gives directing and lit grad classes from non-realism, to realism, to Shakespeare. You are exposed to a number of different styles of theatre and have time to learn and play with each. We also have the ability to direct shows with a variety of budgets and spaces; from mainstages to independent projects.

What is your favorite program-specific class?

It’s not a class that is my favorite part of this program, but who I get to work with for the mainstage productions. Our design and technology grad students are incredible and being able to collaborate with them on a regular basis is one of the strongest aspects of this program. MFA actors are available for our productions and we get to work with our fellow MFA playwrights as well. You leave IU with a whole new network of amazing artists and collaborators.

What is your favorite pastime around campus?

The farmer’s market. Bloomington has a really nice farmer’s market on Saturday mornings. It’s fun to walk through with friends, stop by the theatre department booth, grab coffee and breakfast, and enjoy the local atmosphere.

Posted by URTA  Posted on 27 Sep 
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