
Picture Yourself @ Kent State University


Picture Yourself @ Kent State University

Featuring: Heather Sinclair (MFA Theatre technology graduate student)

How and when did you become interested in Technical Direction?

I became interested in technical direction while in high school. I was given the opportunity to create technical drawings for a mash-up production of Shakespeare plays. While in undergrad at Ball State University, I was able to pursue technical direction and advance my computer and hand drafting skills. I was hooked.

What drew you to Kent State’s MFA program? What do you like about the campus/school?

The program at Kent State maintains a large focus on teaching graduate assistants how to teach. As a teaching position is my end goal, the program offered [those] opportunities. The campus is laid out in a sprawling manner that allows for a lot of green space. There are trees all over, which makes the walks around campus very pleasant.

What is your favorite production you have worked on so far?

I oversaw the technical support for the student production space and enjoyed working with the undergraduates while they discovered their craft. It was great to mentor the stage managers, directors, and lighting team as they tried to realize their first productions.

Posted by URTA  Posted on 20 Sep 
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